Backgammon: Rules, Strategies & Classic Game Guide

Master Backgammon rules and strategies to exercise your brain, reduce dementia risk, and enjoy one of the world's oldest board games. Start today!
Backgammon rules and strategies

Backgammon rules and strategies are essential for players who want to enjoy this popular board game and improve their chances of winning. The game is played by two players, each with 15 checkers, and the objective is to be the first to bear off all of their pieces from their inner table, also known as the home board. In this article, we will discuss the rules and strategies that you need to know to play the game successfully.

Starting the Game

To start a Backgammon game, players roll a single die, and the player with the higher number goes first. Both players then take turns rolling two dice and moving their checkers accordingly. If both players roll the same number, they must repeat the action.

One optional rule is automatic doubling, which increases the stakes if both players roll the same number on the first roll. The doubling cube now reads two and is kept in the middle. Players usually agree to only one automatic double per game. After a player has doubled, they can redouble or beaver instantly while maintaining ownership of the cube. The original doubler can accept or decline the double.

If neither player has offered a double for the game’s duration, the Jacoby Rule allows only Gammons and Backgammons to count as a single game. This rule helps speed up the game by removing circumstances in which a player would want to avoid doubling to continue playing for a gammon.

Illegal Moves

Illegal moves in Backgammon include dice not landing flat on the surface of the right-hand portion of the game board, rolling before the opponent has finished their turn, and performing a move outside the rules. If a move is invalid or unfinished, a player can either accept it as it is or ask the player to make a valid move.

Five Fundamental Strategies

There are five fundamental Backgammon strategies: the blitz, the running game, priming, the holding game, and the back game.

The Blitz

The Blitz is an all-out assault against your opponent’s weak checkers in one or more areas. This strategy aims to hit your opponent’s checkers and send them to the bar, making it difficult for them to re-enter the game.

The Running Game

The Running Game involves moving your checkers toward your home board in the quickest possible manner. This strategy is suitable for players who have an early lead and want to maintain it by avoiding contact with their opponent’s checkers.


Priming involves forming a wall that your opponent cannot get around until they roll a five or a six. This strategy aims to block your opponent’s checkers from advancing and force them to waste moves while waiting for an opportunity to break through the wall.

The Holding Game

The Holding Game relies on maintaining an anchor point in your opponent’s home board. This strategy allows you to maintain a strong defensive position while waiting for an opportunity to hit your opponent’s checkers and send them to the bar.

The Back Game

The Back Game focuses on keeping numerous points on your opponent’s home board. This strategy aims to create a situation where your opponent cannot bear off their checkers without leaving blots, allowing you to hit their checkers and send them to the bar.


In conclusion, mastering Backgammon rules and strategies is crucial for players who want to become proficient in the game. The game begins with each player rolling a single die to determine who goes first, and players take turns rolling two dice and moving their checkers accordingly. The five fundamental strategies include the blitz, the running game, priming, the holding game, and the back game. By learning these strategies and understanding the rules, you can improve your chances of winning a game of Backgammon.