Coin Toss Expertise: Mastering Controlled Flips

Master the art of "The Flipper" and gain an advantage in decisions with expert coin toss control. Try it yourself and witness the results!
Coin toss

Coin tosses have long been a method for making important decisions and settling bets, from sporting events to high-stakes gambles. The ability to predict or control the outcome of a coin toss can be a powerful advantage. In this article, we will explore the techniques and legends surrounding the art of controlling a coin toss.

The Wobble Technique

One method to control how a coin lands is the “wobble.” This technique requires practice and involves spinning the coin horizontally while giving it a little kick with the thumb as it is tossed upwards. By creating a pronounced wobble and throwing the coin straight upwards, it emulates the action of flipping a coin legitimately. The wobble technique can be used to influence the outcome of a coin toss, but it is not foolproof.

Using Gaffed Coins

Another method involves using gaffed coins, such as a double-headed or double-tailed coin. Professional hustlers can also file and re-mill the edges of coins to make them land on a preferred side more often. These techniques rely on deception and trickery, rather than skill, to control the outcome of a coin toss.

The Flipper: Master of the Coin Toss

However, the best-controlled flip did not use mechanical shoes, gaffed coins, or even controlled tosses. The master coin flipper of all time, known as “The Flipper,” could control the outcome of a coin toss without controlling the flip itself. When a coin was tossed, the outcome was truly random. But what happened to the coin after the flip is where The Flipper’s genius excelled. No matter if the coin landed heads-up or tails-up or where it landed, that coin never flipped again.

The Flipper’s Method

The Flipper had a clever method of manipulating the outcome of a coin toss. He would trap the coin in a way that appeared fair, but he could tell if it landed on heads or tails by touch. He would then place the coin in a position that seemed fair for people to bet on. This gave him an advantage as he was the only one who knew the outcome.

The Flipper would take bets on both heads and tails, but he made sure to take more losing bets than winning bets since he already knew the result. He was the bookie for the bets that were taken and had the ultimate advantage.

Thanks to his skill and showmanship, the Flipper would often have dozens of people betting on the toss of a coin. He would retain the result in a convincing manner, making it appear random and fair. This guaranteed him a profit.

Working with Shills

The Flipper also worked with shills who bet on the winning side to encourage more bets from unsuspecting individuals on the other side of the coin. An expert shill might bet on heads after receiving a signal from the Flipper and offer odds to anyone who would bet against him, pushing all the unsuspecting bettors towards the losing option.

The Flipper probably made millions during his ‘career,’ but what became of him is unknown. In a dozen years of asking and searching, his name remains a mystery. The coin toss was his game, and he played it well.


In conclusion, the ability to control or predict the outcome of a coin toss has been a sought-after skill throughout history. From the wobble technique to using gaffed coins, various methods have been employed to influence the outcome. However, the legendary Flipper remains the master of the coin toss, using his unique method to make a fortune without relying on gimmicks or tricks.