Crooked Poker Dealers: The Power of Card Peeks

Learn the powerful sleights used by crooked poker dealers to gain an unfair advantage in gambling games. Discover the most common methods to peek at cards and gain valuable information. Protect yourself from these deceptions and stay alert at the table. Read on for more insights and stay ahead of the game.
Crooked poker dealers

Crooked poker dealers possess access to powerful sleights, providing them with unbeatable advantages. Even knowing just one card can significantly impact the game. There are numerous methods for glimpsing a card, and in the hands of expert players, a simple peek can bring massive rewards.

Importance of shuffling and dealing procedures

Shuffling and dealing procedures are crucial to protect all players. One key consideration when shuffling or dealing cards is to ensure none of the cards are accidentally or deliberately revealed. Imagine knowing the first 10 or 12 cards in a hand, or playing Texas Hold ‘Em and knowing whether you’re about to hit the flop. The advantage gained by dealing a good card to yourself and a bad card to your opponent is immense, even without using a marked deck.

Dealer peeks and techniques

Crooked poker dealers use various peeks to gain information or manipulate cards into the perfect position. The heel or Greek Peek is used as the dealer gestures with the left hand, which is holding the deck. The top card is lifted at the inner left side by pressure exerted from the base of the left thumb. This technique takes time to perfect, but once mastered, it’s possible to make multiple peeks as cards are dealt from the top of the deck.

Another method is the Bubble Peek, used in games where the dealer is required to necktie or guard their hand when not dealing. The left thumb pushes the top card to the right against the tips of the left finger, causing the card to buckle at the outer right corner and exposing the card’s index if the deck is held at the right angle.

Advanced sleights and player glimpses

More advanced sleights allow the dealer to catch a glimpse of any card near the top or even in the middle. Players can also glimpse cards during common table procedures, with a particularly devious glimpse happening under cover of a cut. In a loose game, when the dealer passes the deck, the cheating player cuts with two hands, estimating enough cards from the bottom for all the players plus one or two more. If the bottom card is glimpsed before the cut, the player now knows a card that’s sure to hit the flop!

Crooked poker dealers have been known to use strategies such as the Bottom Peek, where the dealer quickly looks at the bottom card while dealing, and the Mechanic’s Grip, where the dealer holds the deck in a way that allows glimpses of cards as they are dealt.

A more advanced technique is the Shutter Peek, where the dealer lifts the top card at the inner end as the bottom half of the deck is slapped on top of it. This allows the dealer to see the card for a split second, giving them an advantage.

Games that allow players to cut the deck, especially with two hands, make it harder for dealers to use these techniques. Despite this, crooked poker dealers have developed even more sophisticated strategies to beat the game.

These methods have cost casinos and players millions of dollars. In the next article, we will discuss how these simple peeks have evolved to create an unbeatable advantage.

To protect yourself from being cheated in a game of poker, always be vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to the casino staff.